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How to Be A Confident Writer: 6 Valuable Tips
Being a writer often feels like you're looking for an instructional manual that never came with the package. You want to write great stories that you can be proud of, but getting there can be pretty daunting, which can impact your confidence. Here are SIX valuable tips you can use help maintain your confidence as a writer.

What Writers Can Do During the Pandemic to Remain Calm and Creative
With the current public health crisis, this has been a difficult time for many people. For writers, it can be a great disruption to our creative process. Here are 5 things writers can do during the crisis to remain sane and creative.

How To Find Yourself As A Writer
We all struggle with expectations for ourselves as writers. When we try to force ourselves into those expectations, we miss who we truly are as a writer. Read more to find out why it's important to break out of the expectations and how to find your voice as a writer.

What it Feels Like to Be Stuck as a Writer
Today's post is not about how to overcome a problem, but instead it's a conversation about what it's like to feel stuck as a writer. Click to read more about my experience.

Fixing Movie Plots: Fixing 'Letters to Juliet'
I'm starting a "Fixing Movie Plots" series where I repair plots of different movies. Read on to see how I fixed the romantic comedy 'Letters to Juliet'.

Why You Should Watch TV Shows to Learn How to Write Characters
Television shows are a great place to learn about character. Here are three elements of character that you can learn about by watching television shows.

Perfectionism, Depression and Writing
Today is Sunday, and while I usually post about movies, tv shows or books on this day, I want to talk about perfectionism, depression and writing as it’s the reason why I haven’t been able to come up with content for my blog this week.

Why You Should Watch Movies to Learn How to Write Stories
No matter what kind of format you want to write in, whether it’s books or scripts, every writer should spend some time learning story structure. There are many ways to do this, but one particularly helpful way is to study movies. Click to find out why.

Fighting Resistance: Dealing With Resistance as a Writer
Every writer, new or seasoned, deals with resistance. It's usually why we stop writing or struggle to start. In today's post I talk about what resistance is and a how to combat it using a method that I have come up with to help combat my own. Read on to find out more!

Finding Guidance as a New Writer
Pursuing writing seriously can be a daunting and lonely process. New writers tend to feel lost and uncertain about the journey ahead. Here is why it is important for writers to learn about other writer's journey.

What a Child Taught Me About Creating Characters
Back when I was a child therapist, a 10-year-old client taught me something important about creating characters: character's have strengths and weaknesses. Read on to find out more.

3 Writing Exercises You Should Try Before Your Next Writing Session
Did you know that much like athletes, writers need to warm up before writing? Here are 3 writing warm up exercises to try before your next session.

How to Come Up With Story Ideas
Use this incredible method to generate ideas for your next story.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
A special message for my fellow writers and story lovers. New posts coming in 2020!

Using "Model Stories" to Improve Your Writing
This past summer I went to a writing workshop in which I learned two key things to help us improve as writers: be a better reader and use "model stories". Read on to find out what these are all about.

Here's What Happened When I Used the "Rewriting" Revision Method
Let's talk revision! These are the six things that happened when I re-wrote my first draft word-for-word.

Giving Thanks This Holiday Season
With Thanksgiving around the corner, I wanted to take the time to thank to my readers and supporters. This message is for you!

What Is Your Story's Entry Point?
When you have an idea for story, where do you start writing? Do you start with a character, an interesting setting, or peculiar situation you just have to write about? Read on for tips to help you find your story's entry point.

6 Things To Tell Yourself When Perfectionism Gets in the Way of Writing
Perfectionism often leads to procrastination which can make you feel like you're miles away from completing your writing goals. Here are a list of 6 things to tell yourself to help you get back on track.

When You Hate All Of Your Writing Ideas
Have you ever went through a period of time when you hated all the ideas you came up with? Well, that's something I'm dealing with right now. I've come up with a strategy to help myself get over this creative block. Read on to find out what it is.

The Benefits of Talking To Other Writers
The writing life can be a solitary experience, especially when you’re starting out. Here are three reasons why it's beneficial for writers meet and to talk to other writers.

Using Images For Story Inspiration
Struggling to come up with ideas, characters or settings for your story? Here's why using images is a create way to spark creativity.

Are You A Plotter Or A Pantser
As you're developing your skills, knowing your writing style is important. Read on to find out why.

What In The Tall Grass (2019) Taught Me About Writing Horror and Thriller
Netflix's newest flick taught me three things about writing genre fiction.

Using Psychology To Create Characters
Have you ever considered using psychology to create your characters? Well, here are two psychological methods that I use to build interesting fictional characters.

How To Study Story Structure
To write a good story it's important to understand the fundamentals of story structure. Here is a comprehensive guide on the types of story structures that exist and how to study them.

The Benefits Of Keeping A Dream Journal
Dreams are fascinating. They can be exciting, scary or plain weird. There are many benefits to recording our dreams in a journal —I, myself, have been tracking them for 8 years! Read on to find out what they are.

How Writing Fan Fiction Can Help You Be A Better Writer
Fan fiction often get's a bad rap for not being "real writing", however, it can be a great source for learning. Find out why writing fan fiction is beneficial for any writer.

How To Get Words On The Page When You're Afraid To Start
Have you ever been too afraid to start writing your story? Find out how to overcome the fear of starting.

How I Overcame Writer's Block
I had been struggling with writer's block for six years and only recently did I overcome it. Read on to find out how I did it and how I'm writing at least 800 words per day!