What Writers Can Do During the Pandemic to Remain Calm and Creative

staying calm and creative during the pandemic pinterest graphic

With the current public health crisis, this has been a difficult time for many people. With the quarantine and social distancing protocols being set in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19, this can make us feel confused, scared, lonely and powerless. For writers, this can disrupt our creative process. These are 5 Things Writers Can Do During the Crisis to Remain Calm and Creative.

Read and Learn

man reading a book-man studying image

During this time of social distancing, writers could take the time to learn new things. You can try a learning a new skill, pick up a new hobby, or brush up on your writing skills (like plotting and editing). Also take this time to read. Reading can provide us with new ideas and a mental escape.

Research. Go to Youtube or Google to learn new skills. Use library apps like Libby or Overdrive (not a promotion, I just use them) for books. Watch TV shows or movies that are great examples of a certain story element you want to learn or strengthen like characters, setting, plot etc. Take in new information and stay up to date.


journaling-jounaling notebook

This is a very stressful time for everyone. For writers, we can use this time to reflect on what’s happening and reflect on the path of our own lives. There have been and will continue to be many life adjustments as a result of this crisis. My family and I have to reduce our spending, curb our eating habits (I’m a snacker) and even reduce the amount of soap and toilet paper we use to keep our resources. The very nature of our lives and the systems we exist in are changing. There’s a lot of confusion and uncertainty which can cause feelings of stress and anxiety. It may help to write out what your experience has been with the pandemic, your thoughts and your feelings. These written self-conversations could also be material for our fictional work.

Talk to Your Loved Ones or Anyone You Trust

texting on cellphone

Social distancing requires that we practice taking precautions and distance ourselves from each other to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. Though it may cause feelings of isolation and loneliness, writers could benefit from staying in touch with family, friends, mental health professionals or anyone they trust. As writers, we’re sort of used to spending lots of time alone with our thoughts and imagination, or lots of time indoors. However, now that it’s strongly advised that EVERYONE stay at home for an indefinite amount of time, it can make us feel scared and worried. Talking to others can make us feel less alone and help us maintain our creativity. Communicate via text, video chat, social media or phone if you can’t do it in person.

Avoid Getting Sucked Into the News Cycle

reading newspaper

I know it’s important to stay informed every day. However, thanks to social media and television, it’s easy to get sucked into the 24 hour coverage of this pandemic. It can make us feel panic and fear. Panic can also affect our ability to think, to make the best decisions and to be creative.

So, take a break from the news as much as you can. Definitely stay informed; make sure you’re getting accurate information from unbiased reputable sources, like the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), for instance. However, maybe try to check in once in the morning and once at night to learn about new developments. The point is to be cautious and safe, but to also be able to think smart and clearly. 


writing in front of computer

Take this time to continue your writing projects or start new ones. Sometimes escaping into our fictional worlds is a great way to cope with stress and anxiety.

Also, it’s important to keep your daily writing routines and  writing goals, because this provides structure. Structure is very important. It gives us a sense of predictability and order in a time where things are highly unpredictable and confusing.

Other Helpful Resources

If you’re struggling to cope with feelings of anxiety and panic as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, I hope you try these tips. You can also checkout out Vitamins for Breakfast‘s latest episode: “How to Deal with the Panic of the Coronavirus Pandemic”.  

Vitamins For Breakfast is a podcast that is geared towards providing listeners with informative and helpful coping strategies, as well as discussing current events as it pertains to mental and social health. 

However, if the stress and panic interferes with your daily functioning, I strongly recommend  that you seek the help of a professional.

How are you coping with the public health crisis? Please share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below!

Hi! Shantal here. I’m a writer and a storyteller. I created Shantal Writes to share my experiences with writing fiction. I also provide new writers with tips, tools, and writing advice. I hope you find something helpful while you’re here!

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