TV and Movie Talk

Wild Child (2008): When Tropes Aren't Enough
Wild Child does what it is expected of its genre. It’s a fish-out-of-water story with subplots of friendships, romance and self-discovery. It even has the mean-girl and love-triangle tropes. However, that's all it is. Read on to find out why tropes aren't enough to tell a story.

Why Disney's Upside-Down Magic Leaves Much to be Desired
Disney channel's original movie, Upside-Down Magic (2020) is a fantasy based on a children's book series of the same title. While the movie's fantastical concepts and talented cast are a draw, ultimately it fails to deliver a good story. Read more to find out why.

Netflix "Outer Banks" (2020) Review
As most of the world is quarantined to help alleviate the public health crisis, bingeing TV shows has become a common pass-time. Netflix recently released a binge-worthy drama, Outer Banks (2020). Here’s what I found made this show worth binging and what the show failed to get right.

Locke & Key Season 1 Review
Netflix's newest show is a fun fantasy mystery whose magical elements stretch the imagination. However, this show is far from perfect. Click to read my full review of Locke & Key.

Fixing Movie Plots: Fixing 'Letters to Juliet'
I'm starting a "Fixing Movie Plots" series where I repair plots of different movies. Read on to see how I fixed the romantic comedy 'Letters to Juliet'.

Charmed Season 2, Episode 11 Review
"Dance Like No One is Witching" follows the girls as they race to save Harry's life. We also learn a little bit more about this season's newest villains, but will any of it make sense in the end? Read on for my full review.

Charmed Season 2, Episode 10 Review
"Curse Words" is a step in the right direction, but instead of resolving old conflicts, we're adding new ones. Read more for my full review.

Charmed Season 2, Episode 9: Where is This Season Going?
Season 2 is back and I still don't know where any of this is going. Click to find out what happened in this newest episode, the consequences of Charmed's lack of focus and why I'm disappointed in this season.

"You" Season 2: How Character Drives Story
Netflix's psychological thriller returned with its second season and things get even more intense. Read on to find out how "You" uses character to effectively drive story.

The Beautiful Storytelling of "Klaus" (2019)
Netflix's newest animated film brings us a beautiful unique art style and a compelling emotional story. Read on to find out what makes this movie an example of great storytelling.

Why I'm Done with Lifetime (and Hallmark) Christmas Movies
Lifetime's "A Very Vintage Christmas" 2019 is the last time I give Lifetime and Hallmark Christmas movies a chance. Find out what finally did it.

Charmed Season 2 Recap and Episode 7 Review
Season 2 continues to follow the Vera-Vaughn sisters as they navigate their new lives, relationships and the war against witches being waged by demons seeking their extinction. Read on for my season 2 recap and review.

Let It Snow (2019) Movie Review
This holiday-themed romantic movie is all looks, but no personality. Read on for my full review of Netflix's Let It Snow.

Eli (2019) Movie Review
Netflix's new horror film is a roller coaster ride with a fun twist. Read on for my full review of the film.

Charmed (2018) Returns With A Fresh New Start, But Is It Working?
Macy, Maggie and Mel are back and are dealing with a whole new set of witch problems. Charmed seems to have hit the reset button this season, but is this working? Read on to find out.

What In The Tall Grass (2019) Taught Me About Writing Horror and Thriller
Netflix's newest flick taught me three things about writing genre fiction.

AHS 1984: Episode 3 Offers New Twists and Theories
"Slashdance" had many surprising twists and reveals, and now I'm certain that reality isn't entirely what it seems. Read on for my thoughts and theories!

AHS 1984: It's Episode 2 And Things Finally Get Interesting
The second episode of AHS 1984 "Mr. Jingles" finally makes things interesting with a couple of twists and interesting backstories. Read on for my thoughts on the new episode.

American Horror Story is Back and I'm Not Impressed
American Horror Story: 1984 returned this Wednesday with a fresh new look. This season is a fun throwback to the 80s slasher genre, but will it be more than that?

Ma (2019): Movie Review
Are y'all ready to go to Ma's? To celebrate Friday the 13th I watched this horror thriller starring the great Octavia Spencer. Ma was both funny and disturbing, but could have dug a little deeper into its story. Read on for my full review.

Falling Inn Love: A Case of Weak Story
Netflix's newest rom-com was surprisingly entertaining, but could not escape the pitfalls most rom-coms fall into, and I'm tired of it.