A small, green, gelatin-like blob sits unassuming

A hunger begins; a hunger that is taught

You are not safe until you’ve eaten it all


It begins like a very slow avalanche

Absorbing all along it’s path

It grows inches upon inches in mass

Uneven and wobbly until it’s the size of a van


A rabbit and it’s bunny nap quietly 

when the blob rolls over them violently

Squeezing inside of it’s jelly substance

“I keep you safe”, it says to their reluctance


Before the rabbit family realizes

It’s far too late,

They suffocate

And it’s onwards like molasses


I’m hungry: 

I want that

And that

And that


Until all is mine

Until the world’s inside

Until it’s a fact


The large green blob now sits unsteady

One more bite—then BURST, like confetti

You are safe now



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