The Benefits Of Talking To Other Writers

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Last month I finished my first draft of my short story Washed Up. I pantsed the thing for a little over a week until I got around 9k words. However, for some time now I’ve been struggling to figure out what to do next. I took the advice of other writing bloggers and spent some time away from my story. When I returned to it a few weeks later, I re-read it twice and took notes. Even though I can tell something isn’t quite right with this story—like the fact that there isn’t much of it—I haven’t figured out how to fix it for the second draft.

This weekend I worked a background job for a tv show filming in my city. I really enjoy doing this work because I get to be in a creative space with other creative people. While I was there, I was delighted to meet a fellow writer. During our conversation, I took the opportunity to ask him questions about what he writes about, what his process is like and how he deals with writer problems—particularly ones I’m dealing with myself. I confessed to him why I was asking: I am writer. He lit up and proceeded to ask me questions about my writing. That’s when I shared my struggles with him. He was really helpful in giving me tips and advice, that I plan to take what he shared with me to the second of draft of my story. This experience made me realize why it’s helpful to meet and talk to other writers. The writing life can be a solitary experience, especially when you’re starting out. It can also be difficult to articulate the challenges you’re facing and to find solutions to those challenges.

So, here are three reasons why meeting and talking to other writers is beneficial, especially as a new writer. 

1. It normalizes your experiences

When I talked to this writer, what I learned is that he had his own creative process and his own writing problems. It made me realize that what I’m going through isn’t exactly unique to me. Every writer has their own way of coming up with ideas, writing them out as well as having  their own challenges. As you meet other writers, you begin to feel like your experience is normal and that you’re not alone. This can be very empowering and provide you with confidence.

2. You gain perspective and solutions to your problems

When you talk to other writers about your writing problems, you allow yourself to articulate them out loud. Another writer can then help you explore your problem. Perhaps they’ve had that same problem before and they can offer you tips that helped them resolve it. Or maybe they can help you get to the core of what’s causing the problem. Ultimately, you will gain a new perspective that you may not have had otherwise had you not talked to someone about it.

3. You make a writing friend with whom you can share your work with

Finally, talking to other writers creates the opportunity to make writer friends. Having writer friends is helpful because you have someone you can share your work with. It encourages you to be accountable for completing your work and getting feedback helps you see whatever your blindspots are missing.

Where to Meet Other Writers

  • A writing workshop
  • Writing groups on Meetup
  • A writing course
  • A cafe
  • An online forum
  • Anywhere where there are creative people gathered together

Take the time to go out there and speak to other writers. Make sure you introduce yourself as a writer so that others will know where you’re coming from. Seriously, you won’t regret it!

How has meeting other writers helped you? Tell me about it in the comments!

Hi! Shantal here. I’m a writer and a storyteller. I created Shantal Writes to share my experiences with writing fiction. I also provide new writers with tips, tools, and writing advice. I hope you find something helpful while you’re here!

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