About Books and Stories

'Two Can Keep A Secret" By Karen M. McManus: Book Review
This YA thriller will have you picking it up and never putting it down until it's over. Click to read my full review of Two Can Keep A Secret.

Book Recommendations: "Writing Down The Bones: Freeing the Writer Within"
Natalie Goldberg's book on writing is a must-read for any writer. Read on to find out why.

Book Review: Pride by Ibi Zoboi
If you're a fan of Pride and Prejudice, then you'll love this wonderful contemporary version of the story. Pride follows Zuri Benitez as she navigates the many changes in her life after The Darcys move across the street. Read on for my full review.

N.K. Jemisin's The Effluent Engine and Valedictorian
Black women in genre fiction: these two speculative fiction short stories written by award-winner N.K. Jemisin bring diversity in an otherwise homogeneous landscape.