American Horror Story is Back And I’m Not Impressed

It’s the end of September, the temperature is cooling down and American Horror Story is back, which means Halloween season is officially here! Season 9 of AHS returned on Wednesday with a whole new story, look, style and—mostly—new cast, save for series regulars Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters 🙁 American Horror Story: 1984 is a fun homage to the 80s horror/slasher film genre, but it left me wondering if there was something more than just 80s hair, aerobics gear, and being clumsily chased around by a knife wielding psychopath.

American Horror Story 1984 episode 1
American Horror Story: 1984, FX | Image Source: IMDb

AHS 1984 is about a group of “misfits” who get jobs as camp counselors at Camp Redwood, the site of one of the most gruesome massacres. The episode begins in 1970, the night of the massacre. A large hooded figure limps into a cabin of sleeping campers and stabs them all to death, leaving a pile of bloody bodies in his wake. Subsequently, the camp shuts down, that is until it reopens fourteen years later. 

It’s now 1984 and our cast is in an aerobics class—a lighthearted and cheeky scene. They’re each introduced with a movie title card. There’s Brooke the “final girl”, Montana the “promiscuous free-spirit”, Chet the “meathead”, Xavier the “preppy ring-leader” and Ray, the “token black guy”. After news of the “Night Stalker” murders, the group escapes LA and heads to Redwood for the summer. Soon, however, they learn that there is more to the camp that they bargained for…like a killer on the loose hoping to repeat history

A New Start for the Series

The show seems to have more focus this year, as it sticks to a set of characters, has one central conflict and doesn’t seem to have any connection to past seasons. However, I am also aware that this is just the first episode, and things can change. American Horror Story tends  to introduce new characters and conflicts mid-season leading to a convoluted and confusing storyline, which 1984 could fall victim to if they stray on that path. For now, though, 1984 seems to be straightforward; it give us all the important details upfront and doesn’t introduce any new conflicts or characters by the end of the episode.

A Fun Homage to The Genre

American horror story 1984 episode 1
American Horror Story: 1984, FX | Image Source: IMDb

AHS: 1984 also effectively captures all of the cliches and quirks of the genre, with Halloween being one of its most obvious references. It manages to cram nearly every 80s slasher film trope in one episode, from the editing, to the character archetypes, the setting and the kills. The problem, however, is that this seems to be the only thing this season has to offer

It's Downfall

american horror story episode 1 screenshot
American Horror Story: 1984, FX | Image Source: IMDb

The world of AHS 1984 is aesthetically pleasing, but it doesn’t feel authentic. Everything is way too polished. The characters wear heavy makeup at all times and their clothes always look new to where it comes across like modern-day people in costumes than actual people living in the 80s. It made me wonder if this was a stylistic choice, or if this is playing into something bigger that we’re not privy to yet…and that’s a prevalent feeling I had throughout the episode. Is there more to all of this, or is this it…? 

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Image Source: Giphy

Because right now all I’m getting is a show that’s paying heavy homage to a classic horror genre, but it’s not doing anything new or interesting with it.

I do have some theories about what else could be happening, though. Like, is this some Black Mirror, San Junipero situation where they’re in a 80s slasher simulation? Is there more to these characters and none of them are who they appear to be? Whatever it is, I hope by the third episode something happens to change things up and make this season original. Otherwise, it’ll just be another slasher paying homage to the 80s and there are plenty of those out there to watch.

Do you watch American Horror Story? What did you think about the first episode of season 9? Tell me about it in the comments!

Hi! Shantal here. I’m a writer and a storyteller. I created Shantal Writes to share my experiences with writing fiction. I also provide new writers with tips, tools, and writing advice. I hope you find something helpful while you’re here!

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