3 Writing Warm Up Exercises to Try Before Your Next Writing Session

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Did you know that writers need warm ups just like athletes do? When a runner prepares for a race, they have running practice. Before they run for the day, they warm up with some stretches. Warming up loosens up the muscles and prepares the body for movement. It’s the same with writing. Before you jump into your story, it helps to loosen your brain muscles first. Here are three writing warm up exercises you can use before your next writing session. 


writing warm up exercises reading-woman reading book

Before you start your writing session for the day, take some time to read. Reading helps your brain get into writing mode. Furthermore, reading someone else’s writing can help you gain inspiration and think about your own writing as well. I’ve found that when I read a book before I write, my writing flows better due to the remnants of what I just read lingering in my mind. So, pick up the book you’ve been wanting to read forever, or your favorite one, and start reading. Do so for 20 to 30 minutes before your writing session.

Free Write

free writing-writing in journal image

Free writing is stream-of-consciousness writing. This is when you sit, set a timer for 10 to 15 minutes and write whatever comes to your mind. You can write out your thoughts, or even write about your day, your concerns, anything. The point is to get your mind and your hand warmed up for the focused writing session ahead. It also helps you clear your mind before getting down to the nitty gritty.

Write from a Prompt

reedsy writing prompts screenshot
Prompts From ReedsyPrompts

Like free writing, writing from a prompt requires that you sit for 10-15 minutes and write. However, unlike free writing, prompt writing is writing from a text or image that provides a topic, idea or starting point. You can find a number of prompts online. Writer’s Digest is a good place to start. They post daily writing prompts, so there’s plenty to choose from. Some websites even have genre-specific prompts! All it takes is a Google search. The purpose of this exercise is to loosen your mind and get the creative juices flowing. It’s also not as serious as working on your short story, book or novel, so you can do whatever you want and not even complete it. It’s just a warm up, after all!

Give It a Try

So, before you start writing, consider warming up. Runners warm up before running to avoid cramps and low performance levels. The same goes for writing. To avoid any creative cramping (or literal cramping) try one of these three warm up exercises!

Do you warm up before a writing session? If so, what do you do? Feel free to share in the comments below!

Hi! Shantal here. I’m a writer and a storyteller. I created Shantal Writes to share my experiences with writing fiction. I also provide new writers with tips, tools, and writing advice. I hope you find something helpful while you’re here!

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